Rotatory Cuff External Rotation
resistance band -
Area Worked:
Abdomen, Lower Back, & Pelvis -
Type of Workout:
Routine Used
Not used -
Workout Used
Not used
Exercise Description:
The rotator cuff external rotation is a resistance band exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulder, specifically the rotator cuff. It is performed by holding a resistance band with your arm extended to the side, and then rotating your arm outwards to engage the rotator cuff muscles. This exercise helps to improve overall shoulder strength and stability, as well as prevent injury.
To perform the rotator cuff external rotation, start by holding a resistance band with your arm extended to the side at shoulder height, with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle and your palm facing inwards. Engage your core and keep your back straight as you rotate your arm outwards, moving your palm away from your body until your arm is fully extended. Hold this position for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps, and then switch sides and repeat the exercise with your other arm.
It is important to maintain good form throughout the exercise to avoid injury and get the most out of the movement. Keep your core engaged and your back straight, and avoid arching your back or letting your shoulders round forward as you rotate your arm. Also, be sure to use a resistance band that provides enough tension to challenge your muscles without straining them.
Muscles Involved
Stabilizer Muscles Involved
Synergist Muscles Involved
Rehab Exercise For Injuires
Sports Enhanced By Exercise
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